Saturday, November 10, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me because it brings me great joy to be with and talk to other people. My family and I have gotten closer since my brother passing 2 years ago with complications with pneumonia.  Now its just my sister and me.  This tragedy has made our family stronger and our communication more openly. Relationships help build understanding of each others views  and helps with trust and respect.

There are several people that I have positive relationships with, My mother and father, who has always been there from day one.  My godmother, June Powell, who always listens to me and give me advice whenever I call her. My children Lenicia and Vanity, we talk about any and everything.  My church family, who gives me spiritual inspiration.

As special characteristics of relationships there must be trust and honest, respect and freedom. By communicating effectively is very important to enable strong relationships.  Developing positive relationships is the main key to a happy environment.  Need to have trust and honesty and have a positive and supportive attitude.