Saturday, September 15, 2012


Childhood immunizations almost guarantees protection from many major diseases. Childhood vaccination prevents 2 million deaths per year worldwide and is considered to be good by the scientific community.
Immunizations is meaningful to by protecting everyone involved.  We as educators/caregivers bring groups of children together where diseases spread easily/quickly.  By young children interacting physically through touching and this way can easily spread germs to each other.  Immunization in children, teachers/caregivers, protects us from diseases.

There are 2.5 million deaths a year caused by vaccine-preventable diseases mainly in Africa and Asia among children less than 5 years of age.  Vaccination coverage has reached a plateau in many developing countries, reaching young children not yet vaccinated has proved difficult.  There is an urgent need to find ways to increase vaccination coverage and encourage parents to have their children vaccinated.

Exposure to diseases at work can mean illness and the risks of taking the disease home and time off from work.


  1. Hi Sophia,

    Now children have to have certain immunizations before they are allowed to enter school. When I was growing up I remember receiving some immunizations, especially before entering grade school. However, I had the measles before I turned one, and when I was six,I contracted chicken pox and mumps in the same year.
    There are vaccinations to prevent chicken pox and mumps now.
    Some parents fear certain vaccinations cause severe side affects. As a parent, I focused on and found comfort in knowing that severe side affects were very rare, and the health benefits were many.

  2. Sophia,

    WOW! Your research results truly amazed me at the number of deaths of children under the age of 5. That is really shocking.


  3. Sophia,
    I agree that childhood immunizations are a very important part of our society to protect everyone. It is unfortunate that in other places prevention practices such as immunizations are unavailable for children.
